Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin work with many out of town patients, and deeply believe in caring for the needs of these visitors.
Whether you’re traveling from another state or country, your requirements will be carefully considered, and Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin will happily help you to understand your options for the procedure you’re interested in.
Before you travel, we will discuss areas of concern such as pre-surgery consultations, how long you will need to recover before traveling back, if you will need to have a friend or family member with you, what to do in the event of any complications, accommodations, post-surgery care and checkups, and anything else that is important for an out of town guest to know.
Typically, patients from out of town should plan on staying in Virginia for about 3-5 days after their procedure—although this will vary case by case. It’s very important for patients to allow for the proper amount of healing time in order to ensure a healthy and safe recovery. Your safety is our highest priority.

At the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery, we’re here to help you every step of the way. We will ensure that you are confident, comfortable, and excited to travel to Virginia for your procedure.